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Nothing new here just a girl jumping on board the fitness and watching what I eat train. Korea opened up a new door for me in the form of looking after my body. Especially the older culture in Korea value natural ingredients and whole foods, this however was not my motivator or what lead me down such an extreme path in my pursuit for health and happiness. Before I worked quite a time demanding career where as working as a teacher in Korea I found I all of a sudden I had so much free time that I didn't know what to do with. The people around me that I had met of late also inspired me as their fitness goals and achievements were well past my own and inspiring. I was also blessed in that like many other apartments in Korea there was a free gym in my building. 

In terms of eating healthy, honestly it was a long time coming. Again mentioning my last job; I was lucky in that my package included food. So I ate what I liked when I liked which being the carnivorous South African/ Namibian that I am consisted of mostly meat and cheese! In Korea however meat and cheese was expensive so by default it resulted in me buying the cheapest form of both- Chicken (which so happens to be good for building lean muscle), Greek yogurt (My cheese alternative) and green veg like broccoli (Which is good for a whole bunch of other things). Since I am a cheap skate and am on a mission to save as much cashers as possible I figured out that buying whole products lasted longer than buying 'crap' from the convenience store down the road. 

I feel like I'm going off on a tangent already. Basically I have a crazy obsessive personality and with all the new free time I focused this energy in the direction of educating my self on how to optimise my body, mind and soul being mindful of the ever changing world and environment we are surrounded by. 

Messing around on top of my apartment building, Geoje, South Korea. August 2017

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